duminică, 12 mai 2013

Investing in 2013

Experts in financial consulting say that 2013 will be also in the middle of economic crisis but also full of opportunities. The most profitable invests seem to be in rare metals, services and agriculture. Investing in internet business is going to be a further smart idea.Do you happen to have some money and you want to invest it this year?
If you don’t want to make huge effort and you are willing to earn safe and secure, then place your money in gold, silver or diamonds. 
2013 will be 2012 alike from many points of view.

Golden price has been increasing in the last 12 years, which is the longest period of appreciation in the last 90 years for this metal.
Silver and precious stones also have had a nice evolution, as silver price has grown twice faster than gold price, so investing in this metal seem to be a advantageous.
This year, more than ever, consultants tell us to chose real estate as a secure investment aspect. Prices in this industry got lower in this period, as they reached the level they had back in 2006 – 2007. Investing in agricultural lands or farming lands is even a smarter choice as starting 2014, foreign investor will be able to buy these kind of areas. Some of them are already investing and they are expecting big crops profits.

Another business related idea is to collect and deliver fruits and vegetables. Import products will get more expensive as they are all affected by inflation. If you can find providers at very small prices you can start to deliver in  retail markets and make good profit. Or you can start a small business with stores proximity in big cities where you can sell  fruits and vegetables at competitive prices.

vineri, 10 mai 2013

Why do I need a strategy for investing?

In is necessary for every one who wants to become an investor to set a strategy. According to this strategy, he can think about a portfolio and also he can decide tactics for buying the shares. He will also be able to set for how long he will be keeping or when is the perfect time to sell the shares. Without a strategy, people will invest at random and will have no clue about how he can reach for efficiency  and  productivity.

For example, if a person decides to sell stocks every time  the market is slumping, it will be difficult for him/her to reach his goals. Long term success of investments depend on the financial instruments people chose to work with. Financial consultants agree that investing strategy is crucial when they suggest the perfect investments. Before investing anything, a person should analyze his financial situation and set clear objectives: how much money should they save for utilities? 

How much money should be saved for unpredictable expenses? Which is the amount of money that should be saved in order to reach the goal: buying a house, buying a car, ensuring extra money for retirement? Mutual funds are usually chosen to achieve different financial goals. In some surveys carried out abroad, over 80% of respondents confirmed that they invest in mutual funds to supplement the incomes of retiring. First step for making an investment decision is to set a goal.

Each person can decide how much he wants to invest and for how long he will be keeping money in the Fund. For example, if he wants funds for retirement period, then it is a long-term investment. Depending on this chosen period, there is a risk that can be assumed. can be established. As a general rule, the longer this period is , the major risks can be assumed. Short term investments require a more careful approach.

A higher risk will always offer the possibility to gain extra yield.

luni, 29 aprilie 2013

Diamonds are forever

To invest in diamonds could bring profit for those investors who want to survive on a tough market. The price paid for diamonds it is not connected to money market.
That  means it has the same price on a crisis time and a higher price on inflation period. Diamond market is a sensitive one since there are not so many options if investing.

The price for oil, gold, platinum or other metals it is easy to be read on the internet.

The price for diamonds it is not so easy to be found since there are some companies that inform you about it on a monthly subscriptions. The persons that are interested in financial market have the opportunity to report on a general index, when speaking about diamonds market.
The standard for diamond it is set to 1-carat diamond but there will be also different index for different sizes of these stones. The specialists agree that setting correct prices for diamonds is a very difficult and serious issue and represents also a real impediment.

Some of them are talking about an emotional value that it is added to the stones and this fact could increase the price.
Every diamond is a real miracle of the nature, each of the stones is unique and every stone has its history. This is why a diamond is bought for the story it tells and not for commercial purpose. That’s why it is said that a diamond is forever. This is the reason diamond market is an exclusive one.

If you want to invest in this stone you should consult a good specialist to estimate the quality of the stone and be sure that the expert belongs to a professional organization with a good international recognition. It is a good advice to invest in diamonds that are polished, big sized and strong colored.

Art investment Market

Investors are looking for different opportunities, want to try something different after financial market and real estate market started to run low. Art seemed to be an interesting choice to diversify income sources. Art has been considered a traditional acquisition form meant to be good food for the spirit and to be a joy for human sight. Even more, investing in any kind of art has proved to be a smart choice for smart people.

 China stays on top of countries on art market and 2010 it controlled 23% of world art market; top 10 of auctions houses is based in this country, based on incoming, even if it is well known the fact that Chinese market has its problem with fakes. In Europe, first position belongs to UK, who is in charge with 60% of the market, while France comes next in the top, with 16% of European art market income. On a small scale, ordinary people old books, rusty coins and other objects.
For most of the people, these things are meant to be thrown-away but for passionate collectors old objects are true story tellers, great sources of money and feelings. There are two ways to get income from old things: either you buy the cheap and then sell them at higher price and keep the trade margin. The second way is to invest in art object, to be a truly art collector. That is to buy them so you can protect and multiply the money you invest. Either way you have to be a pro in estimating the value of the objects and, of course, you have to be a passionate collector. Old coins with reduce circulation, old fashion cars, rare stamps, jewels can be good way to preserve money. You can collect them in an antique boutique or store.

Investors are looking for different opportunities, want to try something different after financial market and real estate market started to run low. Art seemed to be an interesting choice to diversify income sources. Art has been considered a traditional acquisition form meant to be good food for the spirit and to be a joy for human sight.
Even more, investing in any kind of art has proved to be a smart choice for smart people. China stays on top of countries on art market and 2010 it controlled 23% of world art market; top 10 of auctions houses is based in this country, based on incoming, even if it is well known the fact that Chinese market has its problem with fakes. In Europe, first position belongs to UK, who is in charge with 60% of the market, while France comes next in the top, with 16% of European art market income.
On a small scale, ordinary people old books, rusty coins and other objects. For most of the people, these things are meant to be thrown-away but for passionate collectors old objects are true story tellers, great sources of money and feelings. There are two ways to get income from old things: either you buy the cheap and then sell them at higher price and keep the trade margin.

The second way is to invest in art object, to be a truly art collector. That is to buy them so you can protect and multiply the money you invest. Either way you have to be a pro in estimating the value of the objects and, of course, you have to be a passionate collector. Old coins with reduce circulation, old fashion cars, rare stamps, jewels can be good way to preserve money. You can collect them in an antique boutique or store.

joi, 30 august 2012

Smart move to invest in real estate

It is always a smart move to invest in real estate and then to rent the space. Among investing in local market you should consider to go further and explore this opportunity at international level.

This activity could bring you a lot of material satisfaction on longer term, since the purpose is for fun, tourism and recreation and if you take care and invest in well known and interesting points.

You can buy the building and use it for your own purpose in some periods during one year and then rent it for couple of months or keep the short term renting active. Be careful with the local legal regulations since the investments criteria and conditions are different and could make it difficult for you.

But most of the countries are generous towards foreigners investors and offer a limited number of restrictions. Some of the buildings are easy to buy but difficult for further renting. Investing in big cities could offer huge advantages since the economic politic and demographic conditions are generous.

Big cities attract money and money attract strong people. People from those countries are not the only one who settle in big cities, foreigners are also willing to be in the middle of action, specially for touristic purposes. This fact involves supply and demand for residence and renting.

So the investors have many choices: buying the residence and the lodger, buying an empty residence and use it for ling term renting issue or short term for the tourists.
Smaller houses produce larger income than luxurious penthouses even the monthly income is bigger, since profitableness  is obviously different.